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The spirit of landscape
发布时间:2014-11-14  浏览次数:2922 次  来源:【画家赫玲山水画官方网】
    The times need art, fine art painters with the truth to the perception of life, He Ling is with their rich emotion art exploration of landscape painters.
    The Qing Dynasty famous landscape painter Shi Tao said: " the painter's Lapel containing bearing, not in the mountains and forest, the mental control and mountains and trees. " It is this " Lapel containing bearing" made " mountain and to the prowess and track ", make the objective nature turn into painter of  imagery   , this image is no longer on the imitation of nature, nor is the so-called typical, is not the subjective conjecture, but the artist of the world.
   The current member of the Chinese Artists Association, Shaanxi Artists Association Branch member, Provincial Academy of painting and calligraphy art vice president, province of the exchange of culture and Arts Center art consultants, two national artist Hector Ling, to the profound life experience and unique artistic feelings established a fresh and bright picture wind. This style is so free, smooth, delicate, so full of poetry and passion, memorable.
    Landscape painting stresses due to heart and circumstances, is to emphasize the "heart" of the role. Qing Fang Xun said: " Pen and ink is clever,  also deliberately. Eety is odd, ICO is high, meaning far far, meaning deep is deep, Italian ancient is ancient, Commonplace is commonplace, vulgar is vulgar. " A landscape painter should read ten thousand books, keeping magnanimous in the chest, traveling thousands of miles, world famous full you fertile, clearly listed in the chest. Mi Youren once said: " painting is the heart, " write "heart " is the highest realm of Chinese landscape painting. " Heart of broad, there is no boundary river ", a mountain of water is it not so?
    Because of this, the Ling many works is a pastoral theme, in nature, all of the landscape plants are in motion. She always gazing intently into them, catch their ordinary life, the most brilliant moment, and that moment will be the true meaning of life was so brilliant. Perhaps, from the ordinary in the chewing of ordinary, from the ordinary in ordinary is the big state. Moment of landing, play numerous changes is attractive, but easy to be covered by a layer of fantasy. And life itself is then hidden in plain sight. He Ling's painting themes are very calm, there is hidden in my heart contain a power, you only need a heart to feel the same.
    Over the years, the Ling in normal university of Affiliated Middle School as an art teacher, art teacher lecturer in children. Every struggle to deal with all kinds of complicated affairs, but still did not forget to artistic creation. She said: art is one of the pleasures of life, endless, not used. In professional writing over the years, the Ling works beyond count, her efforts were experts alike, works on many occasions to participate in national art exhibition, his works in professional journals 《 after the rain 》, 《 Luoyang》, 《 misty rain silent trees 》 and other works were joined in the national and provincial art exhibition, and won the prize. Especially the 《 iron bastions 》 with her pen, behaved most incisive, every mountain, every blade of grass to the original way of life, take one's ease however hard harsh. The life and death of swan song staggered echo, devastating. The 《 sunset 》 garden breath slowly into her chest, it is a kind of new life experience, a baptism of the soul. When you see " fastest ", total feel is a spirit, always be a strength to shock. Which scenery, cold and warm and mix, magnificent and beautiful coexistence, such as a general feeling in her hand, flow, condensation, recounting of mountains and natural sentiment, expresses the ideal home of the imagination. Her paintings are truly deeply and faithfully with ink about your experience and the thought, with her pen with a pure anger, a heaven and earth.
   "To each according to his lights ", each people look at the same thing different from each person's life experience, this is because everyone has a different temperament and self-cultivation, faced with a mountain spirit will have different feelings. Because of this, the Ling ink landscape painting has a very personal aesthetic atmosphere, is a character through the female writing form express the aesthetic trait. Her aesthetic characteristics belonging to the beautiful and feminine beauty category. Or rather, he Ling in social life to show its mettle in the main is rigid, and in writing the outpouring of the spirit and character of the show 's temperament, a wise female hearts and feelings in a unique spiritual and show quality. She always will be smart and witty talents firmly rooted in hard science spirit.
    Chuang-tzu said: "if it is organized, without listening to the ear and listen to heart ", a painter in life can not only see the scenery as a sense of reality, the face of nature, to be faithful to our hearts the true feelings, observation and knowing, to develop a sharp straight awareness, a mind sharp eyes, and in your heart is different from the feelings of others more intensive, in the spirit there is a sublimation, so as to build and formed their own distinctive personal style, rather than the simple style. Therefore, in landscape painting creation, not " get form but forget soul " only do appearance resembling, must achieve " temperament are Victory ", borrow ink writing the painter in mighty world, fantastic. Creation of improved subjective feelings, in fact is to strengthen the humanistic spirit. When He Ling is painting, tend to integrate itself into life, and the life as a kind of state, the pursuit of a natural spirit in the realm of the humanities. She can express the innermost spirit is a deep silence and the infinite nature of infinite space, merge into one. In a nutshell, it is the nature and the natural world, is the soul of the art.
    Along the way, the Ling going quite hard, suffering and the wind and rain for her life is the best teacher, so she became a story of the people, has become a road of the artistic achievement of all power painter.
    He Ling once said: " life gave me the inexhaustible source of art creation, make my feelings to talk, when I picked up the brush can always feel very happy and full, I will never tire. " In life, pay attention to feeling, in the sense of combing emotion, in the thoughts I find really. The Ling hope to through these life and creation of picture to express their art and dream of life - that is in peace with the passion of life, in the present time overflows the distant, in the silence of expression indifferent to the heart … …
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